Thursday, 21 July 2011

I HEAR THUNDER.[I read this today]

I hear thunder
I hear thunder
Oh! don't you?
Oh! don't you?
Pitter,patter, rain drops
Pitter patter , rain drops
I am went through
I am went through.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Grandma's Eyes-- today i read this book.

Grandma's eyes 
Watch me well.
Grandma's arms
Hold me tight.
Grandma's laugh
Makes me laugh.
Grandma's songs
Make me sleep.
Grandma's stories
are for eveyone.
But Grandma's lap
is only for me.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Read this all kids.

മല മല മല മല
മല മല മല മല
മല മല മല മല
മലയില്‍ മഴ
പന പന പന പന
പനയില്‍ മഴ
തല തല തല തല
തല തല തല തല
തല തല തല തല
തലയില്‍ മഴ .

Monday, 18 July 2011


Rain on the green grass 

Rain on the tree   

Rain on the house top

But not on me.